Welcome to cold and flu season (or should I say cold, flu, Covid, and RSV season?) I want to share a simple energetic self-care technique to boost your immune system in 1 minute.
Before diving in, let's address a common misunderstanding about how the immune system functions. I'm going to divide this simple explanation into 2 parts - first line of defense and full frontal attack.
First Line of Defense
Viruses (bugs) enter our bodies through openings such as our nose, mouth and ears, settle into the first hospitable location they find and start reproducing. The immune system, which is always patrolling our body, detects foreign invaders and launches the first line of defense.
If the bug settled in our nasal cavity, the immune system cues mucus production. The bugs become trapped in globs of mucus, which are expelled when we blow our nose.
If the bug embeds itself in the lining of our throat, the immune system cues the production of mucus in our throat as well as the destruction of inhabited tissue. Strands of dead tissue tickle our throat. When we cough, the bugs are forcibly ejected. The lining of our throat is going to feel raw and sore until our body replaces the damaged tissue.
Sometimes the immune system will turn up the thermostat making our bodies uncomfortably warm for bugs. A stuffy nose, sore throat, cough and fever can make us feel pretty rotten but it’s for a good cause. It's our body's way of combating viruses.
Full Frontal Attack
While the first line of defense is underway, the immune system has been preparing for a frontal attack by training T-cells. These cells go door-to-door rousting out the remaining bugs. If our body has encountered this strain of bug before, it know exactly how to eradicate it. But if the bug is unfamiliar, the immune system needs more time to plan its attack.
Have you ever felt like you were getting sick but the next day you feel fine? Your body may have just defeated a bug that you caught in the past. And that is why viruses are always mutating.
So when I start to feel icky, I don’t say “Oh, no! I’m getting sick!” I say “Thank you immune system! What can I do to support you?”
Hydration is important because it takes moisture to manufacture mucus. Rest is also important because your body can direct more energy toward defending itself. If you follow my content you know that thoughts and emotions are energy. Anxiety and low-vibe emotions like anger drain energy away from the immune system.
Add Thumping to Your Daily Routine
For some energetic self-care add thumping to your daily routine. The thymus, spleen, and liver are important components of the immune system. Use the flat palm of one hand to thump each area for about 15 seconds.
The thymus is in the center of the upper chest below the throat. The thymus “trains” T-cells to respond to pathogens in the body. Say out loud or to yourself, "My loving thoughts keep my immune system strong."

The spleen produces white blood cells and antibodies. Lift your left arm and thump down and up the side of your rib cage a few times to wake up the spleen. Say out loud or to yourself, "I am safe. All is well."

Repeat on the right side to give your liver a boost. The liver detoxifies the body, particularly antigens in the digestive tract. Say out loud or to yourself, "Every molecule of my being is functioning perfectly."

Offering these organs a little encouragement every day keeps the energy flowing. Remember - you are as healthy as you believe that you are!